Install python 3 mac os high sierra
Install python 3 mac os high sierra

In the Terminal window issue these commands to install NumPy and PyGame: (It has the appearance of a magnifying glass.) In the resulting dialog box, type followed by the Enter key. To do that, click on the Spotlight Search icon on the right end of the menu bar. (It's OK to delete the python-3.6.5-macosx10.6.pkg file after the installation is complete.) Using Mac Finder Manager, navigate to your Downloads directory, and double-click on the python-3.6.5-macosx10.6.pkg file to install Python, Tkinter, and IDLE. Your browser will download the file python-3.6.5-macosx10.6.pkg to your Downloads directory. In the resulting page click on the Download Python 3.6.5 button. Perform these steps to download and install Python, IDLE, Tkinter, NumPy, and PyGame:īrowse to the Python for Mac download page. We recommend that you download and install Python 3, and use Python 3 exclusively when running programs associated with this booksite. This document instead uses the equivalent Unix term directory. Note: The Mac Finder application uses the term folder to mean a container of documents and, perhaps, other folders. The Terminal application that is bundled with Mac OS X.ĭownloading and Installing Python, IDLE, Tkinter, NumPy, and Pygame.The booksite library, that is, a set of modules that we developed specifically to support this booksite.The Tkinter, NumPy, and Pygame libraries, which are used by the booksite programs that do graphics or audio processing.

install python 3 mac os high sierra

IDLE, the Python Integrated Deve Lopment Environment.Python, that is, the Python compiler/interpreter.

install python 3 mac os high sierra

The Python programming environment required by this booksite consists of: These instructions are for MacOS X 10.13 (High Sierra), but the instructions for other recent versions of Mac OS X are similar. All of the software is freely available on the Web.


This page tells you how to setup a Python programming environment for your Mac OS X computer and provides a step-by-step guide for creating and running a simple "Hello, world" Python program. Your First Program in Python 3 on Mac OS X

Install python 3 mac os high sierra